Thu Nov 09 23:16:19 2006
Barbecue Three
A step further from failure
This time, I started the pyromania earlier. The fire started well, and built encouragingly. I left it alone for an hour before we added a few prawns a sweetcorn and some veggie kebabs. This time, the problem was a lack of fuel rather than excess heat. I tossed a few (well-microwaved) spuds in, and slapped the steaks on. Despite my worry that nothing was going to cook ever, it all turned out OK. Waiting an hour after ignition is the key to this game. Next time, a bit more fuel and we'll be sorted.
On a completely different note, I forgot to link to this video of me in Lysterfield Park.
If the weather allows, I'm going to try to persuade The Sensible One to let me have another go this weekend.