
Sun Oct 22 22:42:47 2006

Energy Efficiency

Including helicopters, kangaroos and a foal.

First, a correction. In our reports on the match yesterday, we both independently stated that the Kiwis were ahead at half time. In fact, the Aussies were up 6-4. I'm sure there's a lesson of some sort in that. I have no idea what it is, though.

Anyway, The day started as a carbon-copy of yesterday: we didn't go to the market again. The plan derailed about there, when the lack of eggs (and muffins) in the fridge became apparent. It's actually cheaper to go to the coffee shop than to keep the makings, so I went and picked up a long black and flat white. And a muffin. A chocolate one. This may not be the ideal breakfast, but they didn't have any ham croissants left.

While we were sharing the muffin, the police helicopter did a display over the harbour.

Victoria Police Helicopter Police Helicopter

Once the muffin was thoroughly demolished, we headed off to Dight's Falls again. The Yarra makes some extravagant loops and turns in its terminal phases, so the route along its banks is twisty. I don't think any amount of twistiness can possibly account for the constant headwind, though. It doesn't matter whether you ride up or down the river, the wind is against you.

After about 12km, there's an urban farm park. We stopped to have a quick chat to these two:

Grey Mare, Bay Foal Mare and Foal

He was suckling a few moments later. Cute. There are, however, limits to cuteness.

Foal bites tail Tail nibblage

Once she'd had enough of that, she picked up one of her hooves and rammed it firmly, but not violently, into the his foreleg. The point was taken.

We had hoped to have a quiet, peaceful rest at Dight's falls, listening to the gentle sound of the falls while enjoying the sunshine. When we got there, the place had been taken over by a bunch of workshy smelly long-haired hippies and their diesel-powered boombox. Thoroughly unpleasant. If it hadn't been for my distaste of their body odour, I'd have harshed some serious mellow.

So, instead of enjoying a pleasant restful interlude, we high-tailed it back towards the city, leaving the soap dodgers to their insalubrious cavorting.

When we got back to the city, we were both feeling the effects of cycling 30kms powered by a single muffin, so we stopped for an ice-cream before going home.

Dinner was kangaroo. Almost a whole one.

email BurbleChaz

Last modified: Thu Aug 31 22:46:27 AUSEST 2006