
Mon Apr 09 22:10:13 2007

Lysterfield Racecourse

seventy five minutes - whoops

As has been reported elsewhere, I wasn't able to climb any hills yesterday. Sadness. Rattiness, too. Not becoming. Apologies, etc.

So, today, we went back. Nobody, anywhere, ever, had such a wonderful partner. The only quid pro quo was that I had to fix a small electrical problem on the Toorak Tractor. On Easter Monday. In Melbourne. Fortunately, my google-fu is strong.

So, suffused with excellent in-car entertainment we risked our lives once again in a traversal of the Domain Tunnel. People would rather die than let someone change lane here. Really.

The Sensible One had left her bike at home. She pottered off with her cameras, while I hared off along the trails. I could bore you with tales of obstacles surmounted, riders humiliated, records broken and glory won. I shan't. Except? Up Buckle Trail (all three) , down Middle Trail, up Red Gum, across to Trail6, down to the Blair Witch. All on the Big Ring. Boo Yah.

Some pictures: First, panorama from the top of the switchbacks.

Lysterfield Yes, I stopped at the top.

Halfway up the switchbacks, these dudes were demolishing a tree. At first glance I thought they were eagles. Huge things, black feathers and a wingspan like a 747.

Huge black parrots Tree, being dismantled
Huge black parrot airborne The path is 1.5 m across here

Later, in the city

Prat, in profile. Notice the total focus on bike control.

Some People are indicating that I should stop bragging about how rarely I get passed. Suggestions are being made. Hints dropped. Racing has been proposed. My poor little ego is in conflict.

email BurbleChaz

Last modified: Thu Aug 31 22:46:27 AUSEST 2006