
Mon Oct 09 22:13:19 2006

Pictures of Animals


The post yesterday was dull, uninformative and negative. Part of the reason for this is that blogging is becoming a chore.

I'm going to wind the rate back a bit soon. I've posted at least once a day for almost two months - over 70 posts. Most of them are drivel. I started posting at this rate so that people in Europe would have something to point at and laugh. I kept it up out of habit, then tenacity, then sheer bloody-mindedness.

My first post was on August 12th. After I've completed two months of pig-headed obstinacy, the rate will drop off. I'll only post when I actually have something to say.

In the meantime, Animals!

email BurbleChaz

Last modified: Thu Aug 31 22:46:27 AUSEST 2006