Fri Sep 01 23:21:48 2006
The flat is ours
Too much shopping
Early this morning, we picked up the keys to the new flat. Well, it would have been early, except we took the tram. One would think that a tram leaving town in the morning would be quicker than on entering. One would be mistaken. I can feel a rant coming on.
We went to the flat to check we still liked it. We would be a tiny bit screwed if we don't.
It turns out that there are effectively two balonies and an entire room that we didn't even notice before we commited to renting the place. There's another space that we might yet dub 'The Entertainment Room'. The Visual Artist will be sharing some of this with people later. The important point is that the apartment is bigger and more flexible than we thought. We love it.
After work, we went to a furniture mall. We scoured about ten shops selling furniture. I was so good. I didn't even complain about being shopped out for ages. After the first hundred beds, they all start to look the same. The first one you see with a built-in beer-holder (I kid you not) looks like a must-have.
We ended up with various options and combinations. Our favourite was to buy a bed, matress, table and two stools from one shop. They could give us the bed immediately, but the table would have to wait 2-3 weeks. They wanted us to pay two seperate delivery charges of $60 each. Actually, what pissed me off was that the junior shop assistant kept us waiting for fifteen minutes before the manager refused to cut us any slack. So we walked out.
Unhappy from this failed negotiation, we decided to do the white goods, before going to our second choice for a bed. We identified a washing machine, fridge and microwave that we wanted in about ten minutes. A salesdude took the details, promised delivery tomorrow, and knocked $150 from the listed prices. If they actually deliver, I am going to say lots of nice things about them. The experience so far has been good.
There was one slight glitch. Apparently, the cards that we use to access our money, in our accounts, only let us access $1000 a day each. This is farcical. I tried to lay down $1375, and the card says no. The staff at The Super Efficient Store have seen this before. I lay down $1,000, and The Really Rich One pays the rest with her card. From exactly the same account. This is, obviously, stupid. We're going to have to bully our bank into giving us a proper credit limit. 'But it's for your protection', they will chant. No it's not. It's to maximise thir sodding profits. My money should be available to me, whenever I want, in whatever vast, gouting gobs I want. Protection by a bank? I want protection from a bank.
Happy with the ultimately successful outcome of this transaction, we move into Misunderstanding Mode. remember, if you will, that we've just looked at several thousand pieces of furniture in ten shops. The Interior Architect wants to see a table again. 'Take me to the other glass-topped one' she says. I take her on the most direct route to a glass-topped table we both liked. 'Not that one, you idiot. I want the other one'
I had entirely forgotten the other one. Apparently, I am No Good At All at shopping.
I navigated back to the table she had in mind. It's lovely. They had a beautiful bed on serious offer, too. We took the difference and spent it on a better mattress. This is probably a very good decision.
We've exchanged a lot of money for a lot of stuff. None of it is really fun stuff. Once we've got this all sorted, we can get the cool toys.
If I sound jaded, it's because I've seen too damn many bedroom ensembles. The flat is unbelievably fantastic. The views are astonishing. The lifestyle will be amazing. We're looking forward to turning it into our home.