
Fri Dec 08 22:49:06 2006

The heat is coming

and the state is burning

The weather forecast for tomorrow is smoke haze, 37 degrees. In the northeast of the state, bush fires are raging. There's a chance they may join together to form a 600,000 hectare fire - that's about the same area as Devon. So far, 150,000 hectares have burnt - an area the size of Greater London.. The closest fires are around 150km from us, so there's no risk here for the moment. We're not going to enjoy the smoke much, though.

Clearly, when faced with the forces of nature on such a humbling scale, the only solution is to go shopping. If it's cooler on Sunday, we may take the bikes to Lysterfield.

email BurbleChaz

Last modified: Thu Aug 31 22:46:27 AUSEST 2006