Monthly Archives: November 2012

Another Storm Brewing

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Sunday along the river

Last weekend’s storm scuppered our plans to finish our holiday in style, so we’re making up for it today. A train to Central and a stroll down to a new establishment on Eagle street is the beginning of the plan. … Continue reading

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Sydney morning traffic

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Cruise Ship Docking at The Rocks

Voyager of the Seas, 64,000t displacement, 134,000 GT. She turned and came alongside with a bit of help from the tugs but mostly on her thrusters. (note the wash from the stern thruster) Also, a Beechcraft twin captured in a … Continue reading

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A stroll around Circular Quay

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Approach to Sydney

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No tropical holiday would be complete without a swamp. Just by Cairns airport there are a couple of boardwalks through the mangroves. We stopped by to visit the fiddler crabs, mudskippers and estuarine crocodiles. Spoiler: no crocodiles. We did see … Continue reading

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Brisbane Storm

While we were waiting for our flight at Cairns, Brisbane was clobbered by storms. We’re in a taxi heading back to discover what state our house is in. If the roof is still there, we’ll be happy. Electrical power would … Continue reading

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Road trip to Babinda

Babinda is the wettest place in Australia. We took a road trip to see its attraction (singular), The Boulders. The Boulders are huge. Some of them must be 10 meters across. The stream was barely moving the sand today, but … Continue reading

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To the Jungle!

We took the Captain Cook Highway north from Trinity Beach, headed for Port Douglas and Mossman. The Great Dividing Range meets the Coal Sea, and the road snakes along the margin. The views are stunning. After dropping by Port Douglas … Continue reading

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