Monthly Archives: February 2013

View from my window.

I’ve lucked into a rather nice serviced apartment. Have some architecture.

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Approach to Auckland

Approaching Auckland on lovely late summer day.

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Escaping the Big Wet.

I’m off on my travels again, as Queensland cops another drenching.

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Rain Storm

Ten minutes later:

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Sunset before another storm.

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Healthy, tasty, nutritious.

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Healthy, tasty, nutritious.

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She’s back.

This orb weaver built a web, captured some flies and disappeared. A few days later, she came back. Bigger web, bigger spider. Ecdysiasis is a wonderful thing. The rainbow streaks are raindrops, illuminated by the flash, scanned by the CCD. … Continue reading

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We are on the same side.

We hate mosquitos. She finds them tasty.

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