Monthly Archives: December 2012

New Year’s Eve

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Rainforest trail

A gentle stroll through the leech-infested tick-laden forests. The forest blocks the breeze, so it was a little sticky.

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Into the Mountains

Off to D’Aguilar National Park. The hypothesis was that it would be a little cooler in the mountains. It’s actually a little warmer if anything, but there’s a bit of breeze to take the edge off it. Forest: Valley: View … Continue reading

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South Bank Cultural Precinct

We spent the afternoon pottering around the Gallery of Modern Art, the museum and the Art Gallery. This fantasy painting is about eight feet across. It’s absolutely stunning. A rainbow-themed installation. A tapestry. Trompe l’oeil flowers. Taste. Not yours. Can’t … Continue reading

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Brisbane CBD

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Boxing Day Dinner

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Christmas Lunch

It’s 34°C on the deck right now. Due to a rare conjunction of meteorology, forethought and common sense I have not spent the last three hours doing battle with a hemispherically-inappropriate turkey. No potatoes have been roasted. Brussels sprouts are … Continue reading

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Christmas Day

The view from Mount Coot-tha on Christmas Day. 32°C

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The Christmas Loot

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The Rain Dance Works!

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