Monthly Archives: June 2013


Some awesome physics on display this evening. We have refraction, reflection and thermonuclear fusion, all in one convenient blog post. And the light source. Apparently we live in the neighborhood of a gravitationally bound thermonuclear reactor.

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Into the Clouds

We’re meant to have a sub-tropical climate, with wet summers and dry winters. Totally not happening this year. Summer was dry and glorious. The winter is cold, grey and moist. Heavy drizzle and cold is not, apparently, an excuse for … Continue reading

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Gratuitous Lens Flare

That’s my plane for the trip home. Another shot with the sun a little lower. Ridiculous overexposure: it’s there nothing it can’t do?

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Off on my travels again.

Heading off to Auckland again. This time I’ve remembered to take a sweater. Displays learning behavior. This NZ 777 is going to take me across the Tasman. A Cathay 767 is preparing for departure in the background. My seat is … Continue reading

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The moon is close to periapsis, and almost coincident with the antisolar point. We walked across the bridges to see it rise. In unrelated news, my spelling dictionary has two new words. It’s a railway bridge. Well, two rail bridges, … Continue reading

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Breakfast time. I like this angle. That is all.

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Sydney CBD

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