Monthly Archives: April 2011


This is a juvenile kookaburra. It sits on our balcony quite often, and it’s so damned gorgeous I don’t mind cleaning up after it. In this shot, it is sheltering from a typical Brisbane downpour.

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Daisy Hill

We have a five-day weekend over Easter. The logic behind this is awe-inspiring. Anzac day falls on Easter Monday, and can’t be moved for some reason. So, in an act of sheer brilliance – pay attention here, this is remarkable … Continue reading

Posted in Bikes, Brisbane, Pictures | Leave a comment

Kangaroos and Camels and Rheas

I gave the Serious Photographer a new lens for her birthday. As a side-effect, I was allowed to play with her other camera on our trip to the zoo. While she raves on about lens speed, f-stops and bokeh, I’m … Continue reading

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