Monthly Archives: February 2011

A Three T-Shirt Day

I like to have climbed hills on my bike. Note the precise verb tense, please. I don’t enjoy the actual climbing bit. That’s nine parts pain and one part misery. Still, we’ve been to Mount Coot-tha (you’re still pronouncing it … Continue reading

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I Predict an Impending Sense of Deja-vu

Well, this is going to seem a bit repetitive, my little bandicoots. Problem is, we enjoyed last weekend’s tour so much we decided to do it again. In a sorry attempt to pretend we’re not merely seeking another rut to … Continue reading

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Manly with Bicycles

Yesterday (after the disappointment at the market) we went to Manly. That’s the Manly in Queensland, not the one 1000km south. Important for route planning, that is. It’s a small town on the shore of Moreton Bay about 15kms east … Continue reading

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Long-term Investments

At a Craigside Christmas many years ago, someone gave a copy of “Juggling for the Complete Klutz.” I have no idea who the giver and recipient were. It’s not important. Unless it was your prezzie, in which case I have … Continue reading

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Brisbane Markets

Neither of us are morning people. Why, then did I set an alarm for 0630 on a Saturday? And why did we actually get up? I blame Melbourne. See, Melbourne has the world’s best market. We had heard that Brisbane … Continue reading

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Yet another sunset.

Because you deserve it. Another shot of Sydney Harbour Bridge, taken from the ferry home. The camera on my phone is actually surprisingly good. It’s one of the reasons my next mobile won’t be an iPhone. While they cast a … Continue reading

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Some of the Sheep*

Allegedly, it’s a good year for mozzies – the wet is leaving lots of little pools of standing water for them to breed in. Tiny little buggers, they wake up around dusk and go hunting. On locating a suitable victim, … Continue reading

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New blog!

Well, more of a restart. Potter over to Fractal Thoughts and see what’s happening there. All I have for you is a pair of Lorikeets. I’d given them some mango juice. They seemed to like it.

Posted in Blog, Pictures, Sydney | Leave a comment

Ferries are back

When we were looking for a flat, one of Kangaroo Point’s main attractions was the ferry service. It runs every 10 minutes. The ferry terminals are moments away from our flat, and the terminal in the CBD is almost embarrassingly … Continue reading

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Gap Creek Reserve

Let us begin with me on my bike: Breakfast made me feel very guilty, so early this afternoon we threw the bikes in the back of our enormous truck and headed to Gap Creek Reserve. It’s a fairly small (few … Continue reading

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