Monthly Archives: October 2014

As Happy as a Magpie with a Doughnut

This is what heaven looks like (if you’re a magpie.)

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Pacific Bazas

We were sitting on the deck this afternoon when these two turned up. They were being mobbed by the local Noisy Miner population, who are all raising chicks and are not keen on sharing the neighbourhood with a couple of … Continue reading

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Goodbye Sydney

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Hello, Sydney

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Window View

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Moorhen Chick

We were so focused on the coot chicks yesterday we completely missed the moorhens. The coots (Fulica atra) care for their chicks as a pair and actively chase any other birds – including other coots – away. The moorhens (Galinula … Continue reading

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Coot Chicks

We’ve been watching these nest for the last four weeks. The chicks can’t be more than a couple of days old.

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