Category Archives: Bikes

Scenes from a Local Bike Shop

Well, after my last post this was inevitable. I have a shiny new road bike. I’m not allowed the shiny Lycra pants to go with it, though. That seems to be a Very Strict Rule. Since we moved to The … Continue reading

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A koala in the forest.

The forest at Daisy Hill was hammered by yesterday’s storm. Leaves, branches and entire trees littered the park. This chap had decided that the trees were far too dangerous, and he’d just sit on the path for a while.

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Nirvana. The Buddhist state of not-being. Also, the name of a 2.5km single-track run at Daisy Hill. Coincidentally, one wheel wrong here and not-being is the most likely outcome. We found a parking spot amongst the horse boxes and large … Continue reading

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Daisy Hill

We have a five-day weekend over Easter. The logic behind this is awe-inspiring. Anzac day falls on Easter Monday, and can’t be moved for some reason. So, in an act of sheer brilliance – pay attention here, this is remarkable … Continue reading

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I Blog therefore I am

We have far too much fun to blog about it all. If I wrote about all the awesome stuff we do, eventually you’d read a sentence starting “I sat down to blog about it…” and we would enter some terrifying … Continue reading

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Deception Bay

Bit of a catastrophe last night – ran out of wine, and had to buy a bottle at full retail price. Off to Vintage Cellars this morning, then. One benefit of owning a car is that I don’t have to … Continue reading

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Faster than a Speeding Landcruiser

Yesterday’s ride was a little disappointing. Our goal was to see some more of the Moreton Bay coastline. We drove to Lota and picked up the cycleway where we had turned back last time. After 200m of boardwalk, the rest … Continue reading

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A Three T-Shirt Day

I like to have climbed hills on my bike. Note the precise verb tense, please. I don’t enjoy the actual climbing bit. That’s nine parts pain and one part misery. Still, we’ve been to Mount Coot-tha (you’re still pronouncing it … Continue reading

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I Predict an Impending Sense of Deja-vu

Well, this is going to seem a bit repetitive, my little bandicoots. Problem is, we enjoyed last weekend’s tour so much we decided to do it again. In a sorry attempt to pretend we’re not merely seeking another rut to … Continue reading

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Manly with Bicycles

Yesterday (after the disappointment at the market) we went to Manly. That’s the Manly in Queensland, not the one 1000km south. Important for route planning, that is. It’s a small town on the shore of Moreton Bay about 15kms east … Continue reading

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