Monthly Archives: September 2015

Storm Season

It’s going to get wet.       Twenty minutes later:      

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Eye Contact

I was editing the pictures from the zoo, deep in the geekery of levels and saturation and tone colour. I glanced back at this image and my visceral, limbic predator response fired. “I have been spotted by an apex predator … Continue reading

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The new lens is regarded by some as the best lens for zoo photography in the world. There’s a rather good zoo an hour or so from here. They have tigers. In this case, they had one tiger which they … Continue reading

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We’ve got your giraffes right here.

A friend from work has a niece or god-daughter or some-such. Apparently, said child has a thing for giraffes. When I mentioned we were going to the zoo this weekend, my colleague asked for giraffe pictures. Happy to oblige, Erica.

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We came across a pair of Masked Lapwings today. They are thinking about making a nest. Actually, that is far too sophisticated a description. These birds are legendarily fuckwitted. Just have a look at their tiny little heads and consider … Continue reading

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Australian White Ibis

This new lens (the Canon EF 100-400mm L IS II) is nothing short of brilliant. Obligatory Arty Black and White shot:

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Coot Chick

The coots have had an excellent start to the breeding season with six chicks hatched and none lost so far. They are now about 4-5 weeks old and are starting to wonder what their wings are for. I think it … Continue reading

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Swifts hunt late in the afternoons over the new lake at the botanical gardens. They fly in great swooping turns, then dart along the surface, occasionally diving down to grab a hapless insect. They’re a challenge to capture. Small, very … Continue reading

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A duck. A moorhen, taking objection to something. They do that a lot. Their binominal classification is Galinula tenebrosa, which sounds like a spell from Hogwarts.

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More Cockatoo Pictures

Because cockatoos are awesome. More to follow. Many more.

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