Monthly Archives: October 2013

Brisbane Arrival

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Cruise Ship Departing Brisbane

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Loud Howe Rise

I have, on occasion, been accused of goosing the saturation a tad. This one is exactly as the data left the ccd.

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Tall Ships and a Gin Palace

If I had $300 million I might actually buy something like this. But I’d probably build something more like this: Or this: Or even this: The tall ships are all Dutchmen, together on a circumnavigation. Their next port will be … Continue reading

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The lake at the Botanical Gardens is a magnet for small children with bags of stale bread. Because of the artificially raised nutrient levels, the bird population density is higher than the birds’ territorial behaviour can tolerate. This leads to … Continue reading

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The View from our Deck

I’ve spent a rather pleasant Sunday afternoon sitting on the deck reading reports of storms and chaos in the UK. I hope you’re all ok in Blighty. We’re fine here.

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King Parrots

We live in a place where wild parrots come and visit. The female is a lovely forest green. The male has a vivid orange head and chest. They seem quite comfortable with us a couple of metres away. We are … Continue reading

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Hard at Work

Focused on the main mid-afternoon snooze.

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Australia Zoo

Australia Zoo is halfway between Noosa and home. We’ve driven past it many times. Today we stopped there. CAUTION OPHIDOIPHOBES ! SNAKE PICTURE!

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