With a three hour time difference, getting up at 0700 NZ time was somewhat challenging. After a full eight hours of stand-up facilitating, I was in need of a beer. My search for a suitable hostelry (not a difficult exercise in Auckland) was slightly delayed by the general photogenic nature of the harbour, improved by a chance to see an AC72. Pictures, then.
KZ1, the Big Boat.
Superyacht. Not jealous at all.
Constructive (ha) use if surplus TEUs
Harbour, with most of the NZ Navy in the distance. Both the ANZAC frigates, anyway.
Purse seine net.
Auckland has a harbour bridge too!
Nav marks, repurposed as Art.
Same sort of thing, with those containers again.
Chuffing great sea gull, with a juvenile in the background. Huge units with blue feet. Feed mainly on chips, unattended small children and any dog smaller than a rottweiler.
Steinlager2 with a pair of old America’s Cup yachts in the background.
Lots of lovely old wood, maintained by someone other than me. This makes me happy.
Insane racing machine, 2002 vintage.
Insane racing machine, 2012 vintage.
Airborne. Well, crane-borne anyway. Those foils are bonkers.
And thus to the pub.