Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Inevitable Storm

It was 42°C today. Major storms are inevitable in these conditions. We risked a walk along the river as the thunder rolled to bring you these pictures. Totally unrelated to the fact that the pub has awesome aircon.

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Agile Christmas

I don’t believe we’re actually doing this…

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Failure to Display Learning Behaviour

A Golden Orb Weaver created a perfect web across our deck last night. The horticulturalist walked face-first into it as she tended her plants this morning. I was called. Apparently, spiders are my part of ship. This was made Very … Continue reading

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Low altitude for crescent Venus

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A Walk in the Woods

About 34° today, but with a gentle breeze across the lake we managed to keep the heat stroke within acceptable parameters.

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Crescent Venus, Jupiter Moons

8mm ocular on a 1524mm length Newtonian. And Jupiter! With four moons visible! On the same night!

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We’re looking straight down the barrel of two vicious storms. Rainfall radar: Since there’s no hope, we’d better drink the cold beer before the power goes out. Cheers!

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Two Perspectives

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Brisbane Summer Afternoon

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IFR to 40,000

Crossing the Tasman again. Happy to be homeward bound.

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