Category Archives: Brisbane


A flock of 25-30 sulphur-crested cockatoos joined us in the botanical gardens today. They were happily demolishing the freshly-laid grass in the new extension area. We were able to sit amongst them as they rootled around, grumped at each other, … Continue reading

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Pacific Bazas

We were sitting on the deck this afternoon when these two turned up. They were being mobbed by the local Noisy Miner population, who are all raising chicks and are not keen on sharing the neighbourhood with a couple of … Continue reading

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Mount Tamborine

I’m still on holiday. We try to make the most of time off so today we boarded the enormous truck and pointed it southwards towards Mount Tamborine. This is a 600m high remnant of the Tweed shield volcano which blew … Continue reading

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Storm detritus

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The River Rises

A confluence of spring tides, Cyclone Oswald and a dam release from Wivenhoe has brought the Brisbane River level up over 2m at Indooroopilly. Our downhill neighbours are clearing out their ground floor as they prepare for their second flooding … Continue reading

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How to Buy a House in Queensland – Episode 1

We bought The Best House Ever. This is how we did it.. Note – this does not include any of the actual “Moving House” stuff. – Engage a lawyer – Talk to Mark about mortgage – Organize pest inspection – … Continue reading

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A koala in the forest.

The forest at Daisy Hill was hammered by yesterday’s storm. Leaves, branches and entire trees littered the park. This chap had decided that the trees were far too dangerous, and he’d just sit on the path for a while.

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Totally Unnecessary Pictures of Brisbane

I have had little to report recently. So I haven’t. Life is still more fun than should be legal. Winter progresses, with some days depressingly close to 20°. Daisy Hill Trails are still utterly awesome. I should post more pictures … Continue reading

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Nirvana. The Buddhist state of not-being. Also, the name of a 2.5km single-track run at Daisy Hill. Coincidentally, one wheel wrong here and not-being is the most likely outcome. We found a parking spot amongst the horse boxes and large … Continue reading

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This is a juvenile kookaburra. It sits on our balcony quite often, and it’s so damned gorgeous I don’t mind cleaning up after it. In this shot, it is sheltering from a typical Brisbane downpour.

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